Simple and rustic succulent, perennial and evergreen, fast growing and ground covering, native to South Africa: at the maximum of its development and in full bloom it can grow 40 cm tall and much larger. Already well branched from the base, it has numerous glaucous colored thick and fleshy stems, with an initial erect trend: soon, dividing repeatedly, these bend towards the ground and crawl on it in every direction, often emitting new roots at the level of the foliar nodes. Leaves, juicy and glabrous, spindle-shaped and cylindrical, sometimes slightly arched, with acute apex, gray-green and dark longitudinally, blooming stripes, are arranged alternately, with very short internodes, almost completely covering the branches: looking similar to pencils or chalks, they made the plant deserve the common name “plant of blue chalk sticks”. Between the end of summer and autumn, in the terminal part of the stems, loose and wide inflorescences appear, supported by long and thin stems, made up of minute whitish flowers without petals: if fertilized, the seeds that follow, thin and long, are equipped with a showy "pappus", a tuft of hair that facilitates its dispersion into the surrounding environment through the wind, and which by the botanical classifiers of the past has been read as "hoary head" hence the genus name attributed to the plant.
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