OPUNTIA ficus-indica


Succulent plant native to Mexico and Central America, but naturalized in the Mediterranean basin and in many other temperate zones of the world (Asia, France, Australia). It can assume a treelike aspect and reach an height of 4-5 metres. It is composed by cladodes, vulgarly called "blades", which are modified stems, flattened and oval shaped, important for the chlorophyllian photosynthesis. The whole surface of the plant is full of thorns of different sizes. Between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, flowers with yellow-orange petals appear on the top of one year-old cladodes; at the end of summer these are followed by ornamental and edible fruits which are sweet and tasty and of a red, orange and yellow color, covered with a thorny rind.


This plant has an easy cultivation and no particular needs, it needs a sunny position in order to have an abundant flowering and fruiting. It is suitable to any kind of soil, even if it prefers the ones which are dried, poor in nutrients a well drained: infact it suffers for stagnations which could kill the plant even in a short time. It tolerates drought, hot temperatures and salt so it is for coastal gardens. It tolerates also frost and low temperatures as long as they are not intense and prolonged and above not associated to high humidity. It doesn't need a real pruning; anyway in spring you can remove dried and damaged blades. It can be grown in pots or big containers which will be periodically replaced to allow the correct development of the plant root system. With its sculptural shape, it will give an exotic touch to any terrace or veranda. In full ground, it can be used togheter to other cactacae or succulent plants and to realize impassable barriers.

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