
Graceful evergreen climbing plant, it is very ornamental and comes from South America. Like all passiflora species, it has a fast growth infact it can quickly develop for several metres (4-6 m) both in height and width. Branched from the base, it is characterized by thin cylindrical stems which are herbaceous above and semi-lignified below. Stem bring numerous an hard tendrils allowing the plant to climb on any support. Leaves are alternate, trilobate and of a bright green color. Flowers with long stems appear throughout the summer till the late autumn. They are characterized by thin pointed and deep pink sepals and petals.


It needs a sunny and bright position, otherwise its blooming could be poorer or even absent. It prefers soils which are loose, rich in humus, fertile and well drained. It tolerates drought but it benefits from periodical summer irrigations which will improve the general aspect of the plant and its next blooming. It can be grown in pots or containers and it can be used to cover walls, fences, hurdles or to realize shaded harbours giving a very ornamental effect.

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