PANDOREA jasminoides


Graceful evergreen climbing plant, with an extraordinary vigor and a quick growth. native to Australia, it can easily reach 5/6 metres both in height and width. Thin and branched stems are lignified at the bottom, while they are herbaceous and of a bright green color upward. Leaves are small, not-paripinnate, lance-shaped and of a dark green color. From late spring to the beginning of autumn, clusters of numerous bell-shaped flowers grow at the apex of stems. They are pink with a purple center. There are other 2 varieties: The "pink" one with pink-speckled flowers and a fuchsia center, and the "variegated" one with a cream-streaked foliage, pale pink flowers and a purple center.


Place it in sunny or semi shaded positions, otherwise its blooming could be poorer or even absent. Generally, it is suitable to any kind of soil even if it prefers the ones which are rich in humus and well drained. It tolerates drought, but it benefits from periodical summer irrigations, but soil must be dry between one watering and the next one. It tolerates low temperatures but if the frost is intense and prolonged this plant could loose all of its upper part. So it needs to be repaired by cold winds. in spring, after the vegetative regrowth, you can prune this plant in order to give it a thicker and more compact shape and to stimulate a richer blooming. It is suitable to pots and containers, these last ones must be periodically replaced to ensure a better growth. In full ground it can be used to cover walls and fences or to realize wonderful shaded and colorful arbours.

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