PHLOMIS Edward Bowles


Unmistakable hybrid of the genus Phlomis, perennial and evergreen shrub, with a rather slow growth and a dense and regular habit: at the maximum of its development, it can exceed 80 cm in height and expand in width approximately to the same extent. Branched and well lignified at the base, it has several erect stems, which, rising slowly branching repeatedly and orienting themselves in every direction, give the plant a compact and harmonious shape. Its rather broad leaves are one of its characterizing element among the numerous species of the genus Phlomis: opposite and thick, tomentose, with a widened lanceolate shape at the long petiole, with slightly crenated margins and obtuse apex, they are gray-green in color. In late spring, abundant circular inflorescences appear in the apical parts of the branches of the year, composed of small tubular flowers of light yellow color.


It prefers bright and sunny exposures and poor, loose soils, even sandy or stony, and calcareous. It can tolerate even prolonged periods of drought and bears the salinity of sea winds in coastal locations. Withstands minimum winter temperatures only a few degrees below zero, therefore in regions characterized by intense and prolonged cold we give it a well-protected and sheltered position or guarantee it shelter in a cool and bright environment in winter. In autumn, dedicate some of our time to it: together with the elimination of dry flower stems, damaged, old or bulky parts, we can slightly shorten the various branches in order to allow a more harmonious growth and increase the subsequent flowering. It can give excellent results if grown on terraces and balconies, as long as in large pots or containers and carefully taking care of the draining nature of the soil used. In the open ground, it goes very well with all the other numerous Mediterranean essences in the creation of a sunny and dry garden, sometimes even with a wild flavor: think about it, arranging more specimens in linear sequence, to build original, unusual evergreen borders.

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