LEUCOPHYTA brownii (=Calocephalus brownii)


Unusual small and evergreen cushion-bush, coming from Audtralia. It is thick and compact and can quickly reach a maximum height of 1 metre. Unusual small and evergreen cushion-bush, coming from Australia. It is thick and compact and can quickly reach a maximum height of 1 metre. Branched from the base, it is characterized by erect white-silvery stems full of small leaves of the same color; the aspect of this plant can be compared to a piece of coral. From the end of spring and during the summer, the stems fills of spherical inflorescences made of white-yellow flowers which get confused almost completely with the foliage, because of their clear color.


It needs a sunny position and its soil must be well drained, dried and poor in nutrients. It suffers water stagnations which can quickly kill this plant. It tolerates drought and salt so it is ideal for coastal gardens. It also tolerates frosts if they are not intense and prolonged or associated to high humidity. in spring, after the restart of the vegetative growth you, can prune this plant in order to improve its compact and ordered shape. It can be grown in pot, but it is also good for rock gardens and low borders and for landscape renovations.

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