DIETES iridoides


Lovely rhizomatous, perennial and evergreen, fast growing and with a thick and bushy habit, native to the African continent: at the height of its development, it can grow up to 80 cm tall and large. Thick tufts emerge from the underground rhizome; they are made up of by numerous leathery, glabrous and smooth, shiny, narrow and ribbon-like leaves with smooth margins and acute apex of dark green color, very similar to those of the genus Iris, hence the name of the species "iridioides", that is, “similar to iris”. Between late spring and summer, large and delicate white corollas, with a bluish center and on three of the white petals three yellow spots, almost furtive brushstrokes, whirl on the foliage bush, like graceful butterflies and supported by very thin branched stems. These flowers last only one day, but new ones quickly replace them, and, if fertilized, they give fruits full of fertile seeds that guarantee an easy diffusion in nature.


It prefers sunny and bright locations or only partial shade and adapts to any type of soil, provided it is well-drained. It tolerates the typical salinity of the sea winds of coastal locations as well as periods of even prolonged drought. It bears minimum winter temperatures only a few degrees below zero and therefore in regions characterized by intense and lasting cold it is recommended to plant it in sheltered corners, or to intervene with a good mulch of leaves or straw or a shelter in a cool place and bright in winter. It does not require special care: in spring, we can limit ourselves to eliminating dry flowering stems and damaged or cluttered parts. This is an ornamental plant, if kept in medium-sized pots or containers on terraces, balconies and hanging gardens in general. In the open ground, it makes low borders, arranging several specimens in succession, but it also grips to the ground of vertical areas and cliffs or, as a true botanical jewel, it manages to embellish any corner of our garden.

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