LANTANA sellowiana (=L. montevidensis)


Perennial and semi deciduous bush, with a quick growth. It is native to South America and can reach maximum 30 cm of height. Long and thin branches fall and run along the ground showing a lot of small leaves. These are of a dark green color, opposite, ovate-shaped and with serrated edges. Furthermore they are characterized by a rough surface and a particular smell. From late spring to late autumn, the plant shows its profuse and coloured blooming, made of globose inflorescences rising from the axil of leaves and which consist of tubular flowers of white, yellow or pink color depending on the variety taken in consideration.


It needs a sunny or a semi shaded position and it is suitable to any kind of soil, even if it prefers the ones which are fertile, humus-rich and well drained. It tolerates the salt very well but not so much the drought, infact regular summer irrigations could improve the aspect of the plant and prolong its blooming. It suffers frosts, above all if they are intense and prolonged. in springly restart of the vegetative growth, a strong pruning will improve the shape of the plant and its next summer blooming. It can be grown in pots or in raised containers from which flower stems will hang down: we will have the same effect if we place it at the edge of a wall. In full ground it can be used as a ground cover plant and so in order to fill rock gardens, cover the base of shrubs, realize colorful borders or to upholster the soil of not walkable flowerbeds.

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