LAMIUM maculatum


Herbaceous, perennial and evergreen ground cover plant, usually 20-40 cm tall. Stems, with quandrangular section, run on the ground and can emit toots at the nodes: for this reason it's a plant growing over, if allowed by the environment. Opposite and oval leaves are characterized by a silvery center and a thin green edge. Blooming appears during the late spring: flowers, pink with purple spots, are apical and lateral.


It likes fresh, light, well drained and humus-rich soils and prefers shaded or semi shaded positions. It doesn't tolerate summer droughts and benefits from regular summer irrigations. It tolerates low temperatures, denuding of leaves in autumn and covering itself again in spring. It can be grown also in pot, while in full ground it can be used to cover the base of shrubs, trees and walls or anyway shaded areas. It's better to avoid the direct sun exposure, above all in summer.

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