Elegant variety of Pittosporum tobira, rustic, perennial and evergreen, with a fast growth, with a bushy, contained, compact and globular habit and with Asian origins: when fully developed it can reach one meter in height and even more in width. Lignified and densely branched from the base, it has numerous stems with a silvery-brown bark, erect and spread apart, oriented in every direction and repeatedly divided, which together tend to make the plant assume a regular, thick, and roundish appearance. The leaves, small and leathery, glabrous, shiny, obovate with smooth margins and obtuse apex, dark green in color, develop alternately from very close internodes; in late spring, at the apexes of the new branches, abundant small hemispherical inflorescences are formed, composed of white flowers with five-lobed corolla, intensely perfumed and coveted by insects in general. They are followed in autumn, and remain throughout the winter, by spherical yellowish woody fruits, containing various seeds immersed in a viscous pulp: it is precisely from this peculiarity that the term of genus "Pittosporum" comes, which in Greek means precisely "resinous seed ".
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