CYTISUS x 'Porlock'


Very rustic hybrid of Cytisus, perennial and semi-deciduous shrub, with rapid growth and an orderly, regular, rounded habit: lignified and strongly branched at the base, it can easily grow more than 2 meter tall and even larger. The leaves, slightly wider than in Cytisus x racemosus, equally dense, trifoliate and alternate, hairless and thin, are dark green and are the background in spring for abundant spiky-shaped inflorescences, composed of papilliate, yellow and fragrant flowers , irresistible attraction for bees, butterflies and insects in general.


It can be used to form monospecies hedges or also flowered bushes. It even tolerates the deep frost, but it needs to be placed at full sun or at semi-shade and in well drained soils. It also tolerates summer droughts and after blooming a light pruning can serve to keep compact and ordered the plant.

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