CRASSULA argentea (C.arborescens “undulatifolia”)


Superb succulent perennial, evergreen, with a shrubby habit and rapid growth, native to South Africa: after a few years of cultivation it can reach and exceed a height of 1 meter. Branched from the base, it has erect, fleshy stems, with a clear bark on which silvery leaves are applied, in an opposite and orthogonal way, with an ovate shape but with slightly crinkled and often red-veined margins. From late autumn and throughout the winter, abundant inflorescences develop on the top of the branches made up of small pink-white starry flowers.


It prefers sunny locations and poor, sandy and well-drained soil. It tolerates the proximity of the sea and its brackish winds as well as long dry seasons: however, where winter is intense and lasting cold it is good to choose a sheltered location or, even better, provide protection or shelter in a cool and bright place. It does not require special pruning and if anything, in late spring it is possible, by observing the plant, to eliminate dry or damaged branches or that constitute an obstacle or alter its regular shape. Ideal on terraces and balconies even in medium-sized containers and pots, in the open ground it blends perfectly with cacti or other similar succulents to create corners with simple maintenance and a composed image in every season of the year.

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