LANTANA camara “Variegata”


Beautiful variety of Lantana camara, perennial, deciduous and fast-growing shrub. It is native to Central-South America and can grow at its maximum 150 cm tall and a roughly the same large. Strongly branched from the base, it has woody and herbaceous stems, covered with opposite and elliptical leaves, dark green flecked with yellow on the edge, with serrated edges and a characteristic odor. Starting from late spring and until early autumn, the plant exhibits its rich and colorful flowering consisting of globose inflorescences that sprout from the axil of the leaves. The individual flowers, tiny and tubular in shape, are a warm golden yellow.


It needs sunny positions and is suitable to any kind of soil, even if it prefers the ones which are fertile, humus-rich and well drained. It doesn't tolerate drought very well but benefits from regular summer fertilizations which will improve the general aspect of the plant and its blooming. It suffers the intense frost, above all if it's prolonged. After the springly restart of the vegetative growth, a pruning, even if strong, will improve the compact shape of this plant and the next blooming.

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