
Beautiful species of Cotoneaster, a perennial and evergreen shrub, with a fast growth and a thick and regular habit, oriental origins: at its maximum development, it grow more than 3 m tall and large. Equipped with a very extensive root system, lignified and well branched from the base, it has numerous rigid and erect stems which, moving upwards and branching further, tend to curve slightly outwards, thus making the plant take on a rounded and globose shape. The leaves, alternate and leathery, elliptic-lanceolate in shape with smooth margins and acute apex, glabrous and with marked veins, are dark green above and silvery below. In spring, like a late snowfall, from the terminal part of the branches or from the axillary region of the leaves, copious hemispherical inflorescences appear. These are composed by tiny flowers with only five petals, white, and abundant stamens. They are an irresistible attraction for bees and insects in general and, if pollinated, give origin in autumn, remaining on the plant for the whole winter, to clusters of spherical bright red berries, very ornamental and winter nourishment for birds and animals in general.


It loves sunny or partial shade positions and adapts to any type of soil, preferring those rich and humid, but perfectly drained. It tolerates periods of drought, provided they are not prolonged, and takes advantage of occasional summer wetting; it does not tolerate the salinity of sea winds in coastal locations where it is preferable to place it in a protected position. It resists winter minimum temperatures of various degrees below zero and therefore it can also be grown in regions with intense and lasting cold. In autumn, it is possible to eliminate dry, damaged, old or bulky parts: on this occasion it is also possible sometimes, to shorten the various branches to allow a more compact, dense and regular growth and increase the spring flowering and consequently the autumn fruiting. Suitable to be grown on terraces and balconies, as long as pots or containers are large. In the open ground, it can be used, arranging various specimens in succession, to create shaped or informal green barriers, where among other things it can be interesting to mix it with other essences with the same botanical needs and with complementary foliage or blooms. In any case, do not exclude the use as a free and single spot to complete any corner of our garden.

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