WESTRINGIA fruticosa


Easily confused with rosemary, so much so that in some areas of the world it is known as "coastal rosemary", westringia is a rounded evergreen bush, native to Australia. The dense silver-green foliage makes this plant suitable to forming dense low hedges (1.5-2 meters), but also as an isolated specimen or in combination with other flowering bushes or with contrasting foliage. Thanks to its rusticity, it is excellent both for dry gardens and close to the sea, but also for more inland and hilly areas. The small white flowers increase the decorative value of the plant in the months between May and October.


It is important to ensure well-drained soil and a sunny location. It tolerates long periods of drought, but appreciates some spring-summer watering. Regular pruning, even simple shortening, is very useful for perfect tillering of the plant.

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