CISTUS salviifolius


Splendid compact bush, its dark green foliage is the background for a multitude of flowers, formed by five white and heart-shaped petals, which adorn the plant in spring. Ideal in rock gardens and Mediterranean gardens, with low water requirements and low maintenance. Among the many types, this is the first to bloom and, compared to other species of the same genus, it has a more compact shape and smaller dimensions, developing almost like a ground cover plant. The name of the species derives from the similarity of its leaves with those of some types of sage. The cistus is very popular in the United Kingdom, where it is commonly known as '' Rock rose'', and it is appreciated for its rusticity and adaptability, as well as for its aesthetic qualities. Like most species, this cistus has developed some evolutionary adaptations that make it suitable for Mediterranean environments, such as the loss of leaves and the entry into a period of quiescence in summer, a behavior that facilitates the overcoming of long periods of drought. summer.


Ensure a sunny position and a free and stony soil, free of water stagnations. Once established, the plant doesn't need any irrigation.

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