
Vigorous and rustic American hybrid of the genus Pyracantha of which it reproduces many characteristics, expansive and dense posture, medium growth, it belongs to the Rosaceae family. When fully developed it can grow maximum 4 m tall and a slightly less large. Densely branched from the base, it produces numerous erect stems, which in the upper part can slightly arch, thorny and covered by small ovate-lanceolate beautiful bright dark green leaves, with obtuse apex and sometimes finely serrated, glabrous and leathery margins,. In spring the whole plant is covered with rich inflorescences in bunches, formed by tiny white flowers able to attract the attention of bees and many other useful insects: each of them, if fertilized, in autumn and for most of the winter, turns into a small spherical berry with a bright red color, much appreciated by birds in winter.


Preferring sunny positions, but also adapting to a partial shade although to the detriment of regular growth, flowering and fruiting, it tolerates any type of soil, preferring in any case those that are on average fertile and well drained. Tolerant of even intense and prolonged cold, it bears, once well rooted, even prolonged periods of drought, while it reacts less well to the presence of brackish winds in coastal areas, which could 'burn' its leaves and make it less attractive. At the end of winter, it is possible to intervene with cuts and pruning that go to remove dry, damaged or obstructing parts or to regularize their shape. Extremely versatile and widely used, both in public and private settings due to its easy maintenance, it lends itself to cultivation in capacious pots on terraces and balconies, where it will be able to liven up grey winters with the fiery color of its berries. In the open ground, it knows how to create, arranging various specimens in succession, impenetrable hedges, with formal or informal management able to guarantee excellent privacy and maximum security, as well as cheer up less well-kept corners of our garden by itself: do not forget at last its wide use as a topiary essence.

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