METROSIDEROS excelsus 'Variegata'


Fascinating variety of Metrosideros excelsus, shrub or small tree, perennial and evergreen, with rapid growth and compact habit; it is native to New Zealand and Australia where it can reach up to 20 m in height. Strongly lignified and branched from the base, it has rigid, arched and erect stems, which bear small opposite, elliptical leaves, with smooth margins and obtuse apex, leathery, glabrous and of a dark green color irregularly edged with yellow. In late spring, sometimes inconsistently in our latitudes, we can witness a showy flowering, consisting of inflorescences that develop at the axil of the leaves, in the apical parts of the branches, and which are composed of showy tufts of scarlet red stamens ending with golden anthers. Although of short duration, they are much appreciated by bees and insects in general. Characteristic of this plant is the emission, at the level of the branches, of curtains of long pendulous aerial roots, which are used by this shrub to cling to rocky cliffs and escarpments

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