PLUMBAGO capensis (=P. auriculata)


Graceful semi-deciduous shrub with an expanded and sarmentose habit. Originally from South Africa, it has a very fast pace of growth that in a short time allows it to reach 3 m in height and as many in width. The long and thin stems, herbaceous at the top and woody at the bottom, initially have a vertical trend but then, as they grow, they tend to arch and bend towards the outside of the plant. The thin leaves are alternate, oval and light green. The pale blue flowers gathered in showy globose inflorescences appear, starting from late spring until the first cold, on the apexes and axillae of the leaves of the branches of the year. We also remember the existence of a variety with white flowers (Plumbago capensis "Alba") and one with intense blue flowers (Plumbago capensis "Bleu poncé") which, however, have a lower vigor than the typical species.


Easy cultivation plant which needs a sunny position in order to have a good growth and blooming. It is suitable to any kind of soil even if it prefers the ones which are rich, well drained and medium. It tolerates drought even if in spring/summer regular irrigations will improve the general aspect of the foliage and its blooming. It tolerates saltiness so ti can be used for coastal gardens. It also tolerates the intense and prolonged frost which could bring to the loss of leaves or even to the disappearance of the whole upper part: fortunately, with the first warm days of spring it will able to produce vigorous suckers, grow quickly and recover a nice aspect. At the end of the winter you can remove dried, damaged and messy branches; on the contrary some years it is necessary a strong cut of all the stems in order to encourage a vigorous spring regrowth and a more abundant blooming. It is suitable to pots or big containers which can be used to adorn for example a terrace or veranda; in full ground it can be used as a colorful isolated specimen or for the realization of showy informal hedges. Considering its shoots, it can also be used as a climbing plant to cover walls or railings. Furthermore, it can be used on the top of an escarpment or wall where it will show its soft and beautiful hanging appearance.

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