PENNISETUM setaceum Rubrum


Fascinating variety of Pennisetum setaceum, perennial and semi-deciduous herbaceous, with rapid growth and a bushy, dense, rounded and vaporous posture, native to East Africa: at its maximum development it can grow more than 1-m tall and large. Equipped with sturdy grouped roots that allow it to be solidly anchored to the ground, it is made up of numerous thin stems with an initially erect trend and then slightly spread outwards so that the plant takes on a globose, thick and at the same time truly ethereal appearance and light: the leaves that partially sheath the culms, very narrow, ribbon-like, with acute apex and smooth and sharp edges, glabrous and purplish red, are arranged alternately. From the beginning of summer and until late autumn, even at the slightest breath of wind, abundant spectacular feathery purple spikes sway on the head: placed at the ends of the stems, these inflorescences, silky and cylindrical, are composed of very minute reddish flowers that in a mature plant, if fertilized, easily transform into a myriad of small and oblong seeds, responsible for a self-dissemination that sometimes assumes an invasive character.


It prefers sunny or partially shady locations and adapts to any type of soil, as long as it is well drained and permeable. It tolerates long periods of drought as well as the salinity typical of the sea winds of coastal areas. It bears minimum winter temperatures of only a few degrees below zero, therefore in regions with intense and prolonged cold give it a sheltered location or at least a shelter in a cool and bright environment in winter. At the vegetative restart in spring, together with the removal of the dry and brownish spikes, a drastic cut of the head can be performed a few centimeters from the ground, in order to allow a new growth, richer in stalks and consequently a more generous flowering. Suitable to be cultivated on balconies and terraces in medium-sized containers with perfect drainage; in the open ground this grass, that with its bearing recalls 'fountain jets', can be the undisputed queen of flower beds and corners of our garden, both alone and accompanied by other grasses with the same needs and with contrasting foliage, or together with cacti that enhance the airy, light image of this plant, thanks to their rigid appearance: do not forget the use of several specimens in succession to create simple borders, or several plants in sequence alternated with other herbaceous essences, thus building low mixed hedges with easy maintenance and a great decorative effect.

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