PHLOMIS bourgaei


Fabulous exponent of the genus Phlomis, a perennial and evergreen shrub, with slow growth and thick, regular and rounded habit, native to Turkey and more generally from the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin: at its maximum development it can exceed 1 m in height and widen to approximately the same extent. Branched and well lignified already from the base, it has numerous erect semi-woody stems, which, growing upwards, branching repeatedly and orienting in every direction, bring the plant to assume a compact and globular shape. Its leaves are unmistakable among all those of the species of the genus Phlomis: opposite and tomentose, thick, with a lanceolate shape more widened in the portion next to the petiole, so much that at times they seem triangular, with smooth margins and obtuse apex. They are gray-green, but they show characteristic golden reflections that are accentuated in the dry season. In late spring, in the apical parts of the branches of the year, circular inflorescences appear composed of tubular flowers of a golden yellow color.


It prefers very bright and sunny exposures and loose, poor soils, even stony or sandy, but perfectly permeable and draining. It tolerates both prolonged periods of drought and the characteristic salinity of sea winds near coastal areas. It bears minimum winter temperatures, only a few degrees below zero, and therefore, where cold can be intense and prolonged, give it a protected and sheltered position, or guarantee it shelter in a cool and bright environment in winter. In autumn, it may be convenient to remove the dry flower stems and old, damaged or cluttered parts: on this occasion, we can also slightly shorten the various branches in order to stimulate a harmonious growth and increase the subsequent flowering. Excellent results are obtained cultivating it on balconies or terraces, in large pots or containers, taking care of the draining nature of the soil. In the open ground, it can be combined with many other Mediterranean essences to create a sunny and dry garden: think about it in a linear sequence of several specimens to create unusual evergreen borders.

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