LIPPIA citriodora (=Aloysia triphylla)


Graceful deciduous and twisted shrub which can reach a maximum height of 2 metres. In the 18th century, it was imported by the spanish from South America into Europe in order to take advantage of its aromatic property. Stems are woody at the bottom and herbaceous at the top, these last ones are covered by lance-shaped leaves, of a light green color and with a lemon scent. At the end of summer, it fills of white-violet flowers gathered in wide inflorescences, not much ornamental.


It needs a sunny and sheltered position and soil must be rich, humid and well drained. Even if this plant tolerates drought, in spring-summer it benefits from abundant and regular irrigations which will improve its aspect and foliage. It suffers cold temperatures and intense frosts above all if they are intense and prolonged. in spring, after the restart of the vegetative growth you can make a light pruning in order to shorten the woody branches and to remove the damaged and dried parts. It can be grown in very big containers which will be periodically replaced in order to allow the development of its rich root system.

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