
Tropical plant native to the South African forests, where it grows luxuriant in moist and shady places. It has great leaves which are very jagged and of a bright green color. These leaves form a rosette and surmount a thick and woody trunk, this stem has prominent scars left by the stalk of the old fallen leaves. Numerous robust and fleshy aerial roots start from it, anchoring the plant to the ground and absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Then, the plant needs several years before flowering: small flowers without petals appear between spring and summer and are carried by a white-greenish spadix which is enclosed in a showy white spathe.


It needs a semi or total shaded position: infact it suffers for direct sun rays which will damage its leaves. It is suitable to any kund of soil, but it prefers the ones which are rich in humus, fertile, wet and well drained: water stagnations must be avoided because it could cause rot of fleshy roots. It tolerates some drought periods but it benefits from regular irrigation in spring and summer. It doesn't tolerate frosts, above all if intense and prolonged which would damage the whole leaf system; so this plant can grow outside only in the areas with a mild climate and in wind-sheltered positions. It's also ideal as houseplant because it grows well both in pot and container. In full ground it will be used for coastal gardens: infact placed at shade of big trees or evergreen shrubs and with its exuberant foliage it will give an exotic-tropical aspect to any corner of garden.

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