JUNCUS inflexus


Rustic rhizomatous mainly marshy, with an herbaceous consistency, perennial and evergreen, with fast growth and bushy, thick and regular habit, native to Eurasia: at its maximum development, it can grow up to 70 cm tall and almost the same size large. Robust cylindrical stems grow from the underground rhizome that grows horizontally the stems are numerous and dense, gray-green, thin and flexible, glabrous and smooth, with acute apex: they have an erect course, but at the top they bend slightly towards the outside, so that the plant assumes, without losing its density, a more ethereal and vaporous aspect. The leaves are inconspicuous, because they are short brownish-black sheaths at the base of the various stems. In summer, small inflorescences with little branching appear along the stems, they are made up of very small greenish flowers, which in a short time, with the ripening of the fruits, turn to black-brown: the tiny seeds contribute to the easy natural spread of the plant.


It needs bright, sunny exposures or at most partial shade; it adapts to any type of soil, but given its mainly aquatic extraction, it prefers moist ones. It can tolerate the salinity typical of the sea winds of coastal locations and even short periods of drought, although the general appearance of the plant improves with periodic and constant summer wetting. It resists winter minimum temperatures of many degrees below zero and therefore it can be cultivated in regions characterized by intense and lasting cold in winter. It does not require special care: in spring, with the elimination of dry, damaged, old or obstructed parts, if desired, try to contain their development removing parts of the head. Suitable to cultivation on terraces and balconies, as long as it is placed in medium-sized containers and, above all a constant suitable level of soil moisture is ensured. In the open ground in the garden, it will certainly be perfect on the edge of our pond or stream, perhaps in combination with other aquatic essences with more showy blooms.

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