
Perennial evergreen bush or climbing plant, coming from India, which can reach till 3 metres of height. Its long and rigid stems are full of ovate and ornamental leaves, of a dark green color and particularly bright. From late spring to late autumn, the plant fills of numerous and candid star-shaped flowers, gathered in hemispherical inflorescences with a heady scent above all in the evening.


It needs a sunny or semi shaded position, and sheltered from cold winds. It needs rich, wet and well drained soils, suffering from water stagnations. This plant tolerates drought, but regular summer irrigations can improve its aspect and make its flowering longer. It doesn't tolerate strong frost, so it's better to grow this plant in pots which will be brought in sheltered place In winter. It's ideal as climbing plant to cover fences and pegolas but also as a bush running freely on the soil. Before the springy regrowth, a pruning even if strong, improves its aspect and enhances its blooming.

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