HOYA carnosa


Uncommon evergreen and climbing plant, native to South China and India; it is able to stretch quickly even for some meters. Its thin stems can fit to any support and are covered with dark green elliptical and fleshy leaves. From the end of spring and throughout the summer, the plant produce delicate hemispherical inflorescences made of numerous star-shaped waxy flowers, white-pinkish with a deep-pink heart, and very fragrant.


It needs much light (but not direct sun) and wet and well drained soils. It benefits from regular liquid fertilizers and abundant irrigations in spring-summer, in any case avoiding particular water stagnations. It fears intense frosts so where there is this risk it's better to grow this plant in pots or containers, which will be brought in sheltered places in winter. It doesn't need particular pruning, just remove dry and damaged parts.

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