JASMINUM azoricum


Vigorous climbing plant, ideal to cover walls, arbors and fences even in coastal gardens. It is characterized by a bright green foliage and by a candid blooming, especially scented during the evening. It is quite resistant to cold, but a lasting and intense frost can damage the plant, so in the areas with a cold winter it has to be cultivated in repaired positions or in pots till the spring. Due to its thin and flexible branches, it can be cultivated without any support allowing the crown to lean against the ground till realizing a cushion. Otherwise, it can be left to fall from a wall till creating a suggestive green waterfall, made of white flowers throughout most of the year.


It tolerates semi shaded positions, but in sunny positions blooming is more abundant and prolonged. Soil must be drained. It tolerates saltiness and short periods of drought, even if in summer regular irrigations can improve the development.

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