
It's an evergreen plant, ground covering and few centimeters tall. It grows spontaneously on Mediterranean rock coasts and it is characterized by a great resistance to salt, so very suitable to coastal gardens. Leaves are very small and of a dark green color. During the cold season, the foliage become reddish and the aerial part can be damaged by the deep cold, even if it will be created again in spring. Small pink flowers appear in late spring, but they are not so showy. It can even assume an hanging bearing if placed at the end of a cliff or if cultivated in pot. It tolerates salt, cold and heat and can even grow on poor and stony soils so it is suitable above all in coastal zones in order to cover cliffs and sandy soils. Once established it doesn't need either maintenance or watering, so it can be used in rocky gardens and flower beds like low border, ground cover or to realize small lawns, as alternative to the classic turf. It tolerates a sporadic and moderate trampling.


Frankenia needs sunny positions and soil must be poor and stony. In winter it's important to keep the soil dried and this is possible only if the soil is well drained. If it's necessary, in the summer you can make some watering.

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