FEIJOA sellowiana (=Acca sellowiana)


Singular evergreen shrub native to South America, strongly branched from the base which can easily grow more than 5 m tall. Leaves, elliptical and leathery, have a dark green upper surface and a greyish lower one. The flowers, numerous and pinkish white, have showy red-violet stamens and fleshy and edible petals with a sweetish taste. Fruits, which ripen in autumn, are the size of a plum and a green rind; they are edible and their flavor is similar to pineapple and strawberry.


It tolerates semi shaded positions, even if its development is better in full sun. Ensure it fertile and well-drained soil. It tolerates drought well enough, but regular summer irrigations can improve fruiting. Good plant to form informal hedges even in coastal areas. It can also be used as a single specimen but in this case it will not produce fruits, because the plant needs other close plants for fruiting.

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