
Showy succulent, perennial and semi-deciduous, a lover of warm climates, it can grow about 80 cm tall and a little less large. It has greyish, thorny stems that lead towards the apexes of oblong leaves, with smooth margins and acute apex, pale green in color. Starting from spring, and often until autumn, the terminal parts of the branches are enriched with tiny yellow flowers, known as "cyathus" wrapped in showy and large bracts, which, depending on the variety, can be of various colors (red, pink, yellow, and white), long lasting on the plant.


It needs sunny or repaired positions, dried and well drained soils. Sporadic irrigations must be made only in the summer. Excellent plant for containers, it produces magnificent effects both if it is used with other succulent plants in a rock garden and alone to realize original and low borders. The plant contains irritating latex and must be handled with gloves. In case of contact wash carefully.

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