Dodonaea viscosa ''Purpurea''


Shrub, and sometimes small tree, perennial and evergreen, with essentially vertical and rapid growth that can even grow more than 3 m tall and a little less large. Well branched from the base; the leaves, narrow and long, with wavy, alternate and leathery margins, similar to those of the Willow, are of a particular and interesting purple red, which intensifies during the cold season. In spring, insignificant greenish-white flowers appear, gathered in small clusters, followed during the summer by showy fruits, represented by winged capsules. These are dark pink and contain small spherical black seeds, which are responsible for an easy spread in nature of this plant.


It's ideal to create ornamental, thick and compact hedges and must be collocated in sunny position and drained soils. It tolerates quite well both drought and sea wind so it is ideal for coastal gardens where the plant needs only some summer irrigations. It can also be grown in pot, so it will be brought in sheltered places in case of too cold.

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