BRACHYPODIUM retusum (=B. ramosum)


Vigorous and important herbaceous perennial belonging to Poaceae family. It grows spontaneously on the shores of the Western Mediterranean, Italy included, and in the gaps of scrublands. It forms thick and thight tufts, maximum 40 cm high, but more extended in width where the young narrow and rigid grey-green leaves are being confused with the old and golden ones in unusual heaps .in spring this graminaceous plant is covered by short erect inflorescences (hence its name of genre) characterized by 5 small clumped and glabrous ears.


It prefers sunny positions and soils which are rocky, sandy, arid and deteriorated and able to tolerate both saltiness and short periods of cold. It's a plant having a very important role in the nature: it is a pioneer plant in the regrowth after fires, in the protection of the soil from the leaching of meteoric waters and in the promotion of the settlement of new species. In addition to this environmental recovery role, it can easly introduced in the garden togheter with other graminaceous plant or small mediterranean bushes giving to its green space a natural and wild aspect.

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