BORONIA heterophylla


Delicious and original small shrub, perennial and evergreen, rapidly growing, it has a compact and regular look and it is native to Australia: at the maximum of its development it can grow 80 cm tall and, due to its characteristic erect growth, slightly less large. Well lignified and densely branched from the base, it has numerous, thin herbaceous or semi-woody stems, which, dividing repeatedly, move upwards almost vertically, making the plant assume a thick and almost columnar shape: leaves, arranged in an opposite way, very small, very narrow, almost needle-like, with obtuse apex and smooth, glabrous and leathery margins, are dark green and pleasantly aromatic. In late spring, from leaf axils of the terminal parts of various branches, copious small deep pink campanula-shaped flowers appear, delicately scented and able to attract bees, butterflies and insects of various kinds. If fertilized, its flowers produce small fruits rich in brown seeds.


It prefers sunny and bright locations, but it also tolerates partial shade; it adapts to any type of soil, as long as it is well drained. It bears both periods of drought, even protracted ones, as the saltiness typical of the marine winds of coastal areas. It withstands minimum winter temperatures, only a few degrees below zero; therefore, in regions with intense and prolonged cold and simultaneous high atmospheric humidity, it is advisable to plant it in a protected position or under a shelter in a cool and bright environment in winter. In autumn it is necessary to remove dry, broken, damaged, old or cluttered parts, and the branches can be shortened: in order to guarantee a vegetative restart, rich in new shoots and consequently a generous subsequent flowering. Perfect to be grown on terraces and balconies in medium-sized containers with perfect drainage; in the open ground, arranging several specimens in succession, it creates single specimen borders, or mixed together with other essences with foliage or complementary blooms.

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