CAPPARIS spinosa var. inermis


Spontaneous in a lot of Mediterranean areas, the caper is a deciduous shrub growing on loose, rocks and calcareous soils. It produces long, slender and spineless branches, creeping on the ground or hanging down. Numerous showy flowers are characterized by white petals and long purple stamens. From the buds you will obtain capers, a typical ingredient of the Mediterranean cuisine. Even fruits are edible if properly processed. The plant habit is bushy-prostrate, and it gives its best falling from a wall till creating beautiful waterfalls. However, it is equally suitable in rock gardens. It tolerates long periods of drought and even the harsh winters. Excellent resistance to salinity and wind.


Ensure a very loose, dry and ventilated substrate. Infact it grows spontaneously in cracks of walls or in steep, stony, poor and dry grounds. It doesn't need fertilizations and once established it needs not even irrigations.

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