AGAVE parryi



Beautiful species of the Agave genus, perennial and evergreen, with slow growth and compact habit, native to Mexico: at the peak of its development, and therefore very close to its only flowering which represents, as for all agaves, the conclusion of its life cycle, it can grow 60 cm tall and a little larger. It shows a truly architectural structure, presenting itself as a thick clump of numerous leaves arranged "in a rosette" according to a rigorous symmetry: these are rigid, thin and closely interlocked, fleshy, slightly keeled, gray-green, obovate with sparse marginal brown thorns and a showy blackish apical spine. After a period that can be up to 25 years long, suddenly, and generally in summer, a huge stem rises from the central part of the plant, more than 5-meter tall, that carries large and flattened clusters of tube-shaped flowers in the terminal part. The flowers are turned towards the sky and bright yellow: they are followed by copious cylindrical fruits filled with very light black semicircular seeds.


It prefers sunny positions or at most a partial shade created by tall trees, where summer afternoons can be hot. It adapts to any type of soil, preferring poor, dry and above all well-drained ones. It tolerates the salinity present in the sea winds of coastal areas and easily overcomes even long periods of drought. It bears minimum winter temperatures only a few degrees below zero; consequently, in regions with intense and long-lasting cold, we should choose a sheltered position or give it a cool and bright shelter in winter. In spring it does not require any special action: we can work by eliminating the oldest and driest leaves at most. Considered one of the agaves with the greatest decorative value, it suitable to cultivation in medium-sized pots and containers on terraces and balconies, paying close attention to the draining properties of the soil; in the open ground it is perfect in rocks, along ridges or leaning areas or in raised flower beds, together with other succulents and cacti of various kinds with the same cultivation conditions. With these other plants, it manages to recreate in the garden, despite a very low maintenance, ornamental corners in every season of the year, with a marked exotic flavor.

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