
Small perennial and evergreen herbaceous, slow growing and thickly ground-covering, belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family. It is spread spontaneously in dry and sunny mountain meadows of the Mediterranean basin, between 1300 and 2000 m above sea level, where, among ravines, rocks and rubble, it forms rugs or cushions that do not exceed 10 cm in height. Woody only in the oldest parts, it has thin stems which, snaking adherent to the ground, branch out copiously. The stems are covered by tiny elliptical-ovate, gray-green glabrous leaves, with ciliated edge and slightly pointed apex. From late spring to late summer, depending on the altitude of the growth zone, inflorescences consisting of microscopic flowers appear in the terminal portion of the branches. The inflorescences are wrapped in elegant silvery bracts with a papyrus consistency, and remain on the plant even after the flowering is over, partially masking small fruits, containing seeds of about 1 mm, smooth, ovoid and dark brown in color.


It prefers sunny locations and poor, stony, arid, but well-drained soils and it tolerates intense and prolonged cold conditions, typical of mountainous areas of natural growth. It adapts very well to long periods of drought, as well as, given its low-level development, to the presence of marine brackish winds in the coastal regions. It does not require any intervention at the spring vegetative restart, except the elimination of dry, damaged or disordered parts and light topping of the various stems to allow a more compact and regular growth. It lends itself to cultivation in containers and pots for terraces and balconies and hanging gardens in general, taking care of both exposure and drainage very carefully. In the open ground in the garden, it can be used in the pockets of our rocks, along embankments or steep areas, or at the base of bushes and shrubs, preferably with deciduous leaves and taking care that the branches of the latter do not create large cones of shade, plant harmful to the plant.

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