LOTUS berthelotii


Original herbaceous and evergreen ground cover plant. It comes from Canary Islands, grows quickly and can reach a maximum height of 25-30 cm, but it expands much more. Narrow stems are of the same color of leaves and develop on the ground in any direction. They are covered with small linear and gray-green leaves, almost needle-like. Between the late spring and the start of summer, there is a surprising blooming made of red flowers which well stand among the grayish foliage and which have a shape of a parrot's beak.


Place it in a sunny or semi shaded position because in quite shaded places its blooming will be poor. Its soil must be calcareous, poor, sandy, dried and well drained: infact it suffers water stagnations will could kill the plant even in a short time. It tolerates drought and salt so it is ideal for coastal gardens. It doesn't tolerate the cold and is damaged by intense and prolonged frosts. Since this plant often assume a disordered and expanded shape, in spring you can prune its long branches in order to keep it thicker and more compact. It is suitable to hanging-pots or at the top of a wall where you will appreciate its hanging aspect; it can also be placed in rock gardens, at the base of trees and shrubs or on slopes.

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