LIPPIA repens (=Phyla nodiflora)


Graceful herbaceous and evergreen ground cover plant with a very quick growth and a maximum height of 10 cm. It comes from South America and California. Thin herbaceous stems run on the ground and emit roots near every node; moreover they bring couples of small opposite club-shaped leaves with a light green color and slightly serrated edges. From spring and throughout the summer, the plant fills of small flowers, these are of a white-pinkish color with a purple center and arise from the axil of leaves, persisting for a long time.


It needs a sunny position, it can also be placed at the shade but in this case it will not bring an abundant blooming. It is suitable to any kind of soil, even if it prefers the dried and well drained ones. It tolearates drought, but in summer periodical summer irrigations can accellerate the growth and enrich the blooming. It tolerates salt so it is ideal for coastal gardens; it suffers intense and prolonged frosts. It can be grown in pots or big containers where it will show its beautiful hanging effect; in full ground it can be used for the base of trees and shrubs or to realize flower turfs which don't need cuts and tolerate even the heavy foot; it can also be placed on a wall or a escarpment from where it will softly hang down.

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