
Delicious evergreen shrub or small tree with a quick growth. It can easily reach even 5 metres of height. It is native to Australia. Branched from the base, it is particularly thick and compact and characterized by numerous erect and lignified stems covered with persistent, alternate, linear lance shaped, leathery and dark-green leaves. From the end of winter and throughout the spring, the plant fills of small flower with 5 petals arising from the axil of leaves in a solitary way or, sometimes, in groups of inflorescences. Flowers can be of different colors (white, pink, red) or shapes (simple or double) and are followed by round fruits remaining on the plant for several months.


It needs a sunny or semi shaded position and its soil must be sandy, fertile and well drained because this plant doesn't tolerate the water stagnations, it prefers acidic and neutral soils. Even if this plant tolerates drought, it needs some regular irrigations in order to improve its development and its next blooming. It tolerates winter frosts, if they are not intense and prolonged. You should prune it after blooming in order to keep a compact shape and you should remove damaged and disordered branches. It can be grown also in pots and containers which should be periodically replaced in order to ensure a new space to this rich root system. In full ground it can be used as a single specimen or to realize informal monospeciea hedges but also together to other flowered essences having a contrasting foliage. You should prune it frequently if you want grow this plant in geometrical shape.

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