GREVILLEA juniperina


Evergreen shrub which reach an heigh of about 3 metres. The thick foliage is the backdrop to many scarlet flowers, gathered in inflorescences. It is drought and salt resistant, and due to its tolerance even to prunings, it lends itself to be shaped. It's very suited to form thick and impenetrable hedges, due to its rigid and stinging leaves. Also beautiful as isolated specimen or associated with other flowered plants.


Even if this plant could tolerate long periods of drought, it doesn't reject sporadic irrigations in summer. Like other Grevillea plants, this one prefers well drained and phosphorus-free soils. You can use slow release products for the fertilization. In sunny positions the blooming is richer. Pruning is useful to thicken the crown, and should be made after blooming by the beginning of autumn in order not to compromise next blooming. Due to the pungent foliage, it's recommended not to use this plant in highly frequented areas.

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