CLERODENDRON fragrans (C: chinense, C. philippinum )


Charming perennial shrub, semi-deciduous, with rapid growth and high invasive capacity it has a thick and rounded habit and it belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is widespread, sometimes infesting, in the subtropical and tropical regions of East Asia: it can grow in a short time even more than 2 m tall, while the width is not definable due to its extreme, infinite ability to emit radical jets even at a distance, which allow it to quickly colonize large areas of soil. The stems, with an erect posture and rarely branched at the top, carry large dark green elongated leaves, opposite and with showy petioles: if wrinkled, they give off an unpleasant odor. From late spring and until late autumn, large, showy, hemispherical inflorescences develop at the apex of numerous stems, made up of flowers similar in appearance to small roses, of a delicate ivory white tending to pale pink, with an intense perfume.


It prefers positions of partial shade or even total shade and fresh, fertile, humid, but well-drained soils. In coastal gardens, it is preferable to choose a sheltered position, because it does not tolerate the presence of wind, especially if it is brackish. It can tolerate winter frost and a few degrees below zero, but only if not prolonged. In these cases, the entire aerial part may be missing, but the plant will be able to re-emerge and grow quickly at the first warmth. While enduring more or less long periods of drought, certainly constant and abundant summer wetting improve its appearance and prolong the blooms. In spring it is advisable to eliminate dry, broken or bulky parts; sometimes it is suggested to carry out a drastic pruning that aims to reduce all the stems of the plant to 1/3, in order to favor its thicker growth and increase its subsequent summer flowering. It can be suitable to cultivation in rather large containers and pots on terraces and balconies, preferably in positions well sheltered from the winds. In the open ground, it knows how to become the absolute protagonist of corners of the garden in a short time, creating large spots able to satisfy the sight with its rich blooms, as well as the sense of smell with its incomparable smell.

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