Very rustic perennial and evergreen shrub, fast growing and a dense and regular habit. It is native to the Mediterranean basin. At its maximum development, it can grow 2 m tall and large. Branched and woody since the base, it has numerous rigid, erect and thin stems, with a characteristic brownish bark, which dividing repeatedly and orienting in every direction gives the plant a rounded, globose, hemispherical shape. The leaves, alternate, leathery and glabrous, slightly petiolate, elliptic-lanceolate-shaped, with smooth margins, acute apex and showy median vein, are glossy and dark green on the upper page and opaque and gray-green on the lower one. If wrinkled, they give off a characteristic scent. In summer, despite the hottest heat, abundant umbrella-shaped inflorescences appear in the terminal part of the branches, composed of tiny yellowish flowers with a fleshy appearance. In autumn, if the plant is fertilized, elongated and ribbed fruits develop from the flowers; they are brownish and full of seeds, which are able to guarantee an easy diffusion of this plant in nature.
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