ALOCASIA x portodora


Superb hybrid of Alocasia odora and Alocasia portei which by developing the innate characteristics of the genus alocasia improves its botanical interest. Herbaceous with a bushy and rhizomental habit, it can grow up to several meters. From the generous underground organ, numerous groups of extremely decorative leaves branch off. Supported by long petioles, these leaves are lanceolate, beautiful intense green, with marked ribs and typical wavy margins and can reach and exceed the length of 1 m, which is why the plant has earned the vulgar name of "elephant ears". The showy inflorescence, consisting of a purplish external spathe and a central cream-white spadix, is sporadic in cultivation between late summer and early autumn.


For optimal growth and development, a bright position must be guaranteed, never in direct sunlight which could burn the leaves. It needs a fresh, soft, rich but above all well drained substratum as it fears the stagnation of water which triggers dangerous rotting of the underground stem. Little tolerant to intense cold and prolonged drought, it nevertheless manages to face these extreme conditions thanks to its fundamental underground organ, and, even when the aerial part is lost, it manages to revegetate in a luxuriant way. During the growth phase it requires constant and abundant watering and periodic liquid fertilizations. During the awakening phase in spring, yellowed, dry or damaged leaves can be removed. It is widely used as an essence for fresh and bright interiors, or for balconies and verandas. Its recommended to cultivate it outside only in coastal gardens, in regions with a mild climate: elsewhere it is preferable to use medium-sized containers to facilitate the operation of sheltering of the plant during the colder months.

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