NEPETA x faassenii


Graceful herbaceous, perennial and semi-deciduous cushion plant, with a quick growth and which can reach 30 cm of height and almost twice in width. Branched from the base, it has quadrangular stems running on the ground in horizontal way. Leaves are opposite, ovate, green-gray and deeply fragrant. From spring to autumn, numerous showy long lasting inflorescences, made of small deep blue flowers, develop along the terminal parts of the erect branches.


It needs a sunny or semi shaded position and its soil must be sandy, dried, poor in nutrients and well drained: it doesn't tolerate water stagnations which can bring some even lethal diseases. It tolerates both drought and salt, so it is ideal for coastal gardens. It tolerates also low temperatures and frosts even if they are intense and prolonged; anyway in the coldest areas it can be necessary to make a mulching at the base of the plant. in spring a drastic pruning could be necessary in order to give the plant a more ordered aspect and a richer next blooming. It's a good plant for pots or big containers, but it can also be placed on the limit of a wall where you will observe its wonderful hanging aspect. In full ground it can be used for rock gardens, at the base of shrubs or trees and for the realization of low coloured borders.

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