
Unusual semi-deciduous shrub with a typical round and compact habit, it grows slowly until it reaches a maximum height of 3 m. It is native to regions bordering Texas and Mexico. Considerably branched starting from the base, it has erect stems which in their terminal part bear numerous small gray-green elliptical leaves, responsible for the overall fascinating and silver aspect of this plant. From spring to autumn, intermittently, and generally associated with abrupt climatic changes, which is why this plant is also called "barometer plant", surprising and massive blooms occur: the flowers, placed at the axil of the leaves, shaped like pink bells and with an intense fruity scent, they are very popular with bees and insects in general.


It needs a sunny position and its soil must be dried, well drained, rocky, sandy and calcareous. It tolerates drought and summer temperatures, it suffers water stagnations which can quickly kill the plant. During the coldest winter it loses the leaves and will fill again in spring. After the restart of the vegetative growt, a light pruning could ensure a more ordered shape and a more vigorous blooming. It can also be grown in big pots, in full grounds it can be used as an isolated scrubor as a plant for hedge by takinf vantage of itd silvery foliage and long lasting blooming.

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