LANTANA camara


Perennial and deciduous shrub with a quite quick growth. It is native to Center/South America and it can reach a maximum height of 2 metres which may vary depending on different varieties. Strongly branched from the base, it has woody and herbaceous stems covered with opposite and elliptical leaves of a dark green color, with serrated margins and a distinctive smell. From late spring to the start of winter, the plant fills of globose inflorescenses rising from the axil of leaves. Its small and tubular flowers change color with the passing of days. There are several varieties, different for size and aspect, but above all for the color of flowers going from white to yellow, orange, red as well as to pink, fuchsia and violet.


It needs sunny positions and is suitable to any kind of soil, even if it prefers the ones which are fertile, humus-rich and well drained. It doesn't tolerate drought very well but benefits from regular summer fertilizations which will improve the general aspect of the plant and its blooming. It suffers the intense frost, above all if it's prolonged. After the springly restart of the vegetative growth, a pruning, even if strong, will improve the compact shape of this plant and the next blooming.

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