Grevillea lanigera ''Mt. Tamboritha''


Small evergreen bush, a cushion plant with flexible branches. These last ones are covered by a thick bright green foliage and by numerous red flowers with cream shades, appearing in autumn. This small and compact bush well tolerates heat, drought and salt. It is particularly used like ground cover plant for escarp and sloping land, like a low bush in flower beds and rock gardens, and like a border. It can be cultivated in pot or in coastal gardens too. In case of deep cold, the beginning of blooming can be postponed even at the end of winter.


Even if this plant could tolerate long periods of drought, it doesn't reject sporadic irrigations in summer. Like other Grevillea plants, this one needs a sunny position for a good blooming and a well drained and phosphorus-free soils for a general good development. You can use slow release products for the fertilization. Pruning is useful to thicken the crown, and should be made after blooming.

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