
Wonderful australian bush of a particular white velvet covering equally leaves and stems, making the plant very pleasant to touch. Several cycles of flowering followed one another throughout the summer, with numerous flowers of a lavender color which well stand out on the foliage, but the very strong point is its soft and white foliage. It reaches sizes of over 1 metre both in height and width and it creates a wonderful contrast if associated to other plants with green foliage. The presence of the tomentose layer on the whole vegetation is clearly an evolutionary adaptation, allowing the plant to tolerate long droughts, heat and strong summer insolation. It could be grown even in coastal gardens.


It needs sunny positions; it tolerates drought but not water stagnations. After blooming, you should make regular prunings in order to keep the foliage compact and ordered. Anyway you shouldn't wet the foliage during these irrigations in order to avoid the manifestation of fungal diseases. The soil should be well drained so it will also able to tolerate cold temperatures. In the summer, regular irrigations and the use of fertilizers can improve both development and blooming.

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