
Beautiful, grandiose evergreen tree, with an expanded, round and thick crown, with a rapid growth and origins in East Asia: when fully developed it can reach 20 meters in height. The stems, which in a juvenile stage are characteristically endowed with a bright green bark, bear ovate, leathery, alternate and green leaves which, when wrinkled and broken, release the pleasant smell of camphor. The flowers, small and yellowish, appear, gathered in lasse inflorescences, at the apexes of the branches in spring and are followed in autumn by small blackish spherical fruits. From the roots and wood of this tree we get that substance known as "camphor" which has various phytotherapeutic properties such as, for example, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, soothing and antimicrobial action: it is still used as a repellent for moths that can colonize our closets and in oily form for pre-competitive muscle massages.


It prefers a sunny position and, although it adapts to any type of soil, it develops best in fresh, deep and rich soils. It does not react well to brackish winds near the sea which can cause unsightly leaf burn and tolerates short periods of drought. In regions subject to intense and prolonged cold it is good to choose protected and sheltered locations. Between late winter and early spring you can intervene with pruning that removes dry, damaged or cluttered parts: in young specimens, as in old ones, the methodical cutting of the branches may also have a formative value for the foliage. Plant suitable to cultivation in the open ground, as a single specimen or for the construction of shady avenues, sometimes it is also used, preferably in shrub form, on terraces and balconies inside large pots and containers.

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